A Lovely Revenge


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3/28/05 so it looks like we havent had an update in 7 months wow.  we have a new singer(james barclay) and a new guitar player(brad moore) and we have 2 new songs on myspace and 2 old ones with new vocals.  www.myspace.com/alovelyrevenge.  check that ite for show updates and check out the merch page, we have some new merch.
8/24/04 I think we have a show!!!!!!!! September 3rd at the Emerson. Checkout the emerson web site for other bands playing.
we have officially broken up.  jake and justin will be starting a new project with some of the old music and some new stuff.  we still have lots of shirts, buttons, and stickers.  if you are interested in any merch email the band at:
6/13/04 Just to let everone know we are still a band and do plan on playing again. We have been trying out as many singers as we can and want to give everone a chance before we make our choice. If you looking for new songs check out ouf pure volume page. We will have new songs up soon, I hope.
5/17/04 A Lovely Revenge will be playing a show on Friday the May 21st at the Emerson. This will be Dave's last show with the band.We Will be giving out free cds  with all of our songs on it. So make sure you come out and see this last show.
5/14/04 Go to this page listen to the songs and love it. I will add more soon. So check back often and listen often.
5/12/04 We have canceled all of our shows except for one. We hope to find a new singer asap so we can keep moving and doing shows.If you did not see this is what Dave wrote on the guest book:

Having a band is much akin to having a lover.  Youll put every piece of yourself into it, and youll do everything you can to keep it strong and healthy.  Youll go through the ups and downs, and youll find each is made stronger by the other.  Sadly, all relationships come to an eventual end.  Sadder still is when you find it must come to an end because the other no longer responds to your touch.  When you keep giving all youve got, but you no longer feel that returned, thats when you have to make that hardest of choices.

Ive treasured this band and every moment Ive had in it.  I can attribute many of the happiest things in my life to the time Ive spent in this band.  Saddest yet, that time has come to an end.

I dont find it necessary to go into the reasons why here on a message board, and its not that you guys dont deserve to knowits all of you that got us where we were.  We all know message boards are the places of slander and rumor though, so if you see me around you can ask me all about it, and I will gladly take the time to offer an explanation and an apology.  I truly am sorry not only to you guys, the fans, but also to Justin, Seth, Jake and Chris.  Its not fair to anyone and its a truly selfish decision, but its one I feel I have to make.

Its a simple truth of dreamsthe dreamer will always outlive the dream.  As you wake up it ends, and you go on with your day.  Luckily we live in a world where every rule seems to have an exception.  I hope this is the case.  I hope this dream, this band, far outlives my small part in it.  I truly wish a lovely revenge(the best band ever) all the best and all the good they deserve, hopefully with a singer so amazing that you will all come to see my leaving as a good and right thingthey deserve that.

I love and cherish you all, sincerely.
5/10/04 Dave has quit the band. We will post more when we know what we are going to do for our remaining shows.
5/5/04 we have added some new shows so check them out. Also dont forget to check out ALR this weekend.
4/30/04 tomorrow jake will officially be the oldest guy(we know of) to go to prom
4/22/04 The band is happy to announce that they will be playing some songs you probably have never heard unless you saw one of the first shows.
4/18/04 A Lovely Revenge is officially one year old today!
4/4/04 The show on April 16th has moved check the shows page for more info.
3/25/04 If you cant wait till the next ALR show well maybe it will help if you see one of the members of ALR perfom. Chris will be playing with Black Cat Rebellion at the Emerson on fri march 26th. So go check them out.
3/19/04 no news, except old news. We have a new shirt the design will be up soon. The other news is that as soon as we get some money we will have our CD done.
2/29/04 Dont forget to come and see us at the emerson on friday. This will be one of the best shows of the year!
1/29/04 We now have a store where you can buy all the newest ALR stuff. If you dont like to buy stuff through the mail you can buy it all and more at our shows!
1/13/04 ATTENTION ANYONE GOING TO THE CRAWFORDSVILLE SHOW ON FRIDAY!!  There's been a change of venue.  Check the shows page for the new address.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  We hope to see some of you out there.
1/11/04 Hey everyone! We are recovering from our intense driving and show schedule. We would like to thank everyone who helped out(Chris and Josh). We would also like to thank everyone who came out and the clubs for letting us play. We have added a lot of new pics and have updated our show listings.Make sure you check everything out and don't forget to come out and see us live. 
01/04/04  Thanks to everyone who came out last night-the show was great!  Hope everyone's holidays were great, and don't forget:  Next Friday we'll be playing in Bloomington with Someday Soon (kind of sound like Rufio--they're a lot of fun) and Saturday we'll be back in Evansville.  Hope we see some of you there.
12/19/03  The lyrics page has been updated with corrections to old songs and all new songs.  So if you're interested go check it out.  Also, If you're going to be in the Terre Haute area tomorrow night make sure to come to the show and check us out.
12/8/03 We are sorry to inform that the show for Friday in IL has been canceled.We will try to schedule another show in the area soon.
12/4/03 We have added some new pics and five new shows. So don't forget to check them out.
11/6/03 We will be playing on Nov 23 at the Emerson Theater. That does not mean that you dont have to go to the show on the 8th.
10/23/03 For everyone who was going crazy because the guest book was broke you can now become sane again. So after you read this go sign the new guest book. Also we may be doing some more studio time soon so keep checking back for new mp3s and updates.

9/28/03 Check it out: new logo, new font page, new guest book color, new song on imua page and don't forget to pay attention to something a little bit old!! We are proud to say that Seth has rejoined the band.

9/14/03 We would like to thank everyone who came out to the show in Evansville and all the past shows. We have added some new shows and have a new song that will be up soon. Oh yea, don't forget to check out the lyrics page.  

8/7/03 Hey everyone we are playing the Midwest Music Summit on Saturday at the Emerson. We will be playing about three or later. Also  we do have a new address that is easer to remember. You can still find us at the tripod address but now you can also find us at www.alovelyrevenge.com

7/28/03 We recored on July 25th at The Lodge.  We did the music for three songs, two with lyrics so far. The remainder will be finished at a home studio. There is a link to the songs that are recored on the music page. 

7/17/03  For all of you who don't already know Seth quit the band. I did leave this off the page for awhile because I figured that everyone who cared already knew.

well see ya 


7/12/03 Ha Ha! Everyone thinks its so funny! Jk no one thinks it funny that we did not record yet. Yep its true the recording time was double booked. So now we wait longer. Oh well. Don't forget about our show on the 19th at Rhinos. Last I added a link to probands.com so check it out.  

6/19/03 We have updated the site some all over so check it out and let us know what you think. We will be recording next weekend. Also don't forget about our show at Rhinos on July 19th

5/30/03 We are now trying to get into the studio, but it may be harder than expected. Also we have added some new pics and we will be adding some new shows so make sure that you keep checking back. Last don't forget to sign the guestbook!

5/8/03 Pics Pics pics check them out

4/29/03 We have added some show dates and new links so check them out.

4/28/03 We want to thank everyone who has come to all of our shows. We are starting a street team if you want to help email us at "mailto:a_lovely_revenge@yahoo.com"

4/22/03 Thanks to everyone who came to the show on Friday and also I hope that you had fun at the after party. Also if you want to continue the fun we play Friday at Rhinos in Bloomington and at festivilla on Saturday!

4/10/03 We have added a guestbook so make sure that you sign it and let us know what you think of the page

3/30/03 We will be adding pictures so keep checking back

3/28/03 We have added our tour dates to the shows page with all the needed info.




We are currently working out our eighth song. We found ourselves a vocalist who fits and is feels as emotional about his words as we are about the music. I hope everyone is ready for us to be unleashed unto the world. We are hoping to get some money together as soon as everything is ready and put together well enough for our standards, a few more bugs to be worked out! We will keep you posted on our progress.
